“Enseñar Literatura es Mi Pasión”
Nicolas Mendoza
In September, Spanish teacher Nicolas Mendoza traveled to Puerto Rico to be a part of a humanitarian project.
Nicolas Mendoza, a new Spanish teacher, teaches one English Language Development (ELD) class and four Spanish 3 classes.
He attended San Jose State University to earn a bachelor’s degree in Spanish, and he cleared his credential at the Reach Institute for School Leadership in Oakland.Outside of the classroom, Mendoza enjoys hiking, reading and dancing to Mexican Folklore, or folklórico.
His passion for reading comes out in class as Mendoza loves teaching literature and thinks it is his strong suit.
“When I open a book and teach Spanish, it just comes naturally to me. And I love it,” he said. “I love when my students are engaged and they come to my class motivated and ready to learn.”
The motivation comes from within him.
If he is not engaged or interested in class, then his students will not be engaged or interested in class either.
If his students see he is excited in class, they in turn will become excited and motivated.
Mendoza also plans his lessons according to his students interests.
“If my students are visual learners, I plan my lessons according to PowerPoints and posters,” he said, “and if they’re hands-on [learners], then I also plan activities that they can actually engage in and be able to produce materials.”
Mendoza has been enjoying his time at UPA.
He says that it is “amazing, disciplined, clean, harmonic and extraordinary.”