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The Student News Site of University Preparatory Academy


The Student News Site of University Preparatory Academy


The Student News Site of University Preparatory Academy


Jacob Villareal

Jacob Villareal, Reporter

Jacob Villareal started studying journalism in his junior year. Jacob’s family consists of his mom, dad, older sister and his three dogs: Bailey, Phoebe and Bella. His favorite dog is Bailey because of her lazy and friendly nature. Jacob inspires to have a career in graphic design or become a motif illustrator for anime and manga. Alternatively, he would also aim to be a video game script writer as he admires the plot structure and story progression in video games. Furthermore, he often listens to songs by Bruno Mars and would spend the day with him on a luxury resort vacation if he was given the opportunity. Jacob’s ideal beach resort is one with smooth sand grains, an absence of seaweed washed ashore and an all-inclusive membership. If Jacob could eat a single meal for the rest of his life, he would eat pizza topped with pepperoni and spinach. He is motivated by the quote: “What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within,” from Ralph Emerson, since he wants to focus on the present. Additionally, he enjoys the smell of baked goods and likes the period punctuation as it concludes his thoughts. Jacob would describe himself as willing and silent as well as resembling the color gray because it is neutral and balanced like him.

All content by Jacob Villareal
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