Official ASB Account Impersonated

Emily Hung

The Instagram page of the fake ASB account claims the official account was experiencing issues. The account has been gaining followers since it was first created on the night of Nov. 11.

The Associated Student Body (ASB) has been using its Instagram page, @upa.asb, this school year to inform both students and teachers about upcoming events such as dances, spirit weeks and carnivals.

On the night of Nov. 11, ASB members were notified that their Instagram account had been impersonated. For the first time, students were receiving follow requests from another account, @upa_asb, whose profile closely imitated the official account.

As of 11 a.m. on Nov. 12, the fake account has garnered over 60 followers, with that number increasing, and has been spreading misinformation about school policies.

In its most recent post, @upa_asb falsely reported that beginning second semester, the uniform policy would no longer exist.

ASB members recommend students who are currently following the impersonation account to unfollow it.

“I do not find it funny,” ASB President Krizel Tomines said. “ASB doesn’t deserve to be humiliated like this. We work very hard to plan school events.”

Although they do not know who created the account yet, they are studying clues, including the email address used to create it.

“We are investigating,” Anant Sherwal, who co-manages the official ASB account, said. “As of now, we would like to request everyone to please report the account since it is causing a lot of miscommunication. We want to inform the school of what is going to happen soon, and this person is making that very difficult for us.”