Geraldo Castro, Reporter
Geraldo Castro Arteaga, a junior, is in his first year of journalism. In ten years, he would like to see himself graduating from SJSU and working at HP or Intel as an electrical engineer. His favorite food is mac and cheese, and his favorite drink is Triple Mocha Frappe. He considers both a god-send from heaven. He once took care of his family’s pet chickens and he fed them, but unfortunately one day, his father decided it was time for the chickens to feed the family. Two survived and were sent to his aunt’s home in Bakersfield. They were sent there in a box with food and water so they could survive the three hour long drive, and they did. Two of the survivors — Presumido and Presumida — are his favorite chickens. If he could spend a day with a celebrity, it would be Pitbull as he enjoys his music and would like to show him around San Jose. If he had a thousand dollars, he would spend half of it and put the rest in the bank. His purchases would include steam gift cards since he enjoys playing video games on his computer and likes to visit Gamestop to see what new games they have. When he is not playing video games, he enjoys writing short sci-fi pieces every now and then. His pieces have accumulated into a “novel” that is about 200 pages long.