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The Student News Site of University Preparatory Academy


The Student News Site of University Preparatory Academy


The Student News Site of University Preparatory Academy


Vishaka Anand

Vishaka Anand, Team Editor

Sophomore Vishaka Anand is in her first-year of journalism. Anand, eager to learn about biology and the environment, strives to make a difference in the world through encouraging people to be more environmentally conscious. Protecting the environment is one of Anand’s greatest passions; one that was empowered by her sixth and seventh grade science teachers' love for the environment. She enjoys educating herself, and others, about the little differences one can make to promote an eco-friendly lifestyle. In this way, she wants to see more coverage on environmental issues and sustainability efforts. Along with that, Anand hopes to see more representation of Desi culture and news in the media, aspiring to educate the world on the advancements and holistic lifestyle of ancient Indians. Her main values lie in her religion and culture, as it grounds her and helps her stay connected to her roots. Anand’s love for the environment takes a new meaning with her favorite motto, “If you think the grass is always greener on the other side, spoiler alert: it is not.” In other words, not everything has a better side to it, so it is imperative that you do your best in your own path to succeed. Anand notes her family and friends as her support system, stating that they keep her grounded when life feels overwhelming. Outside of school, she loves spending time with her friends participating in a plethora of outdoor activities, getting food, or going on a nighttime stroll.

All content by Vishaka Anand